The AVANT IS investment conference
20. 9. 2024
The AVANT IS investment conference, which took place on September 19, 2024 at the Kings Court Hotel in Prague, brought participants not only interesting presentations, but also the opportunity for inspiring discussions.

Keynote speakers included Ivan Rucek, Tomáš Grec, Jan Traxler and Jakub Vais, who presented four new funds ready for fundraising. Marek Unčovský, Vladimír Bezděk and Michal Brothánek reported on current events and news in the company.

One of the key moments of the conference was the introduction of the fund's new "light green" label, which was enthusiastically announced by Jan Krejsa from the WERO ČSEF SICAV, a.s. fund and Jan Zvěřina from the Green0meter company. This designation emphasizes the fund's commitment to sustainable investments.

To lighten the program, Milos Čermák shared with the participants his tips on how to create and think more effectively with the help of artificial intelligence, thereby bringing inspiration and entertainment.
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