Biogas - the future of waste management and reducing energy costs
1. 8. 2022
Biogas plants are nowadays increasingly in the focus of interest of investors from both public and private spheres. The reason for this is, on the one hand, public support for these plants, which are of a renewable nature, which is particularly attractive to businesses. At WERU, we believe in the future of biogas plants, which is why we are planning several acquisitions in this sector this year and next. We are now finalizing the purchase of our first biogas plant. This is an already operational biogas plant in the village of Kos in Slovakia. The plant processes biodegradable waste, livestock products, animal by-products and derived products from neighbouring municipalities. Through anaerobic digestion, the plant produces biogas and digestate, which can be further used as an organic fertiliser with good land application properties. The biogas obtained is then burned in a cogeneration unit to generate electricity and heat. The electricity is supplied to the public grid and the resulting heat is used by the biogas plant for the technological processes associated with its own operation. The advantages of a waste biogas plant are: environmental sustainability - the difficult-to-treat waste is turned into biogas and high-quality fertiliser. Income - both from the heat, energy or fuel produced and from the processing of bio-waste. Long term - demand for bio-waste processing can be expected to grow due to the rising cost of landfill and skyrocketing energy prices.
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